Class Loadouts
All guns, perks and attachments are banned except for the following:
Primary Weapon: Intervention
Primary Weapon Attachments: FMJ, Extended Mag.
Secondary Weapon: N/A (Won't be used)
Lethals: N/A (Won't be used)
Tacticals: N/A (Won't be used)
Perk 1: Marathon, Scavenger, Sleight of Hand.
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Ninja
Deathstreak: Copycat
Use of any banned Weapon/Perk counts as 1 warning per player.
Knifing an opponent also counts as 1 warning per kill.
Primary Weapon: Intervention
Primary Weapon Attachments: FMJ, Extended Mag.
Secondary Weapon: N/A (Won't be used)
Lethals: N/A (Won't be used)
Tacticals: N/A (Won't be used)
Perk 1: Marathon, Scavenger, Sleight of Hand.
Perk 2: Stopping Power
Perk 3: Ninja
Deathstreak: Copycat
Use of any banned Weapon/Perk counts as 1 warning per player.
Knifing an opponent also counts as 1 warning per kill.