About Us
This website was created by Dyna & Kross 53 for other competitive snipers in the community.
Whether you have been playing comp for years or you just got into it yesterday, this website is to bring the competitive sniping community together, this is our home. Here you will find everything including ranks, rulebooks and upcoming tournaments.
Every player is encouraged to take part in the on going competitive community. If you are fairly new and struggling to become part of a team, sign yourself up on the free agents page; similarly, if your team is looking for new players to fill your roster, give the free agents an opportunity to prove themselves worthy.
All competitive sniping rules for each Call of Duty are explained in detail within this website. Please read carefully through the rulebooks to ensure your teams success in completing a Clan Match.
Our Admins are experienced in the competitive sniping community, and will gladly help you if you have any questions or require help.
Please leave us feedback telling us what you would like to see within the website or the community itself. If you have any complaints or would like something changed in the website also use the feedback form and we will get to as soon as possible.
We hope to see this community blossom, to see it as big as it once was. Enjoy.
- Dyna
Whether you have been playing comp for years or you just got into it yesterday, this website is to bring the competitive sniping community together, this is our home. Here you will find everything including ranks, rulebooks and upcoming tournaments.
Every player is encouraged to take part in the on going competitive community. If you are fairly new and struggling to become part of a team, sign yourself up on the free agents page; similarly, if your team is looking for new players to fill your roster, give the free agents an opportunity to prove themselves worthy.
All competitive sniping rules for each Call of Duty are explained in detail within this website. Please read carefully through the rulebooks to ensure your teams success in completing a Clan Match.
Our Admins are experienced in the competitive sniping community, and will gladly help you if you have any questions or require help.
Please leave us feedback telling us what you would like to see within the website or the community itself. If you have any complaints or would like something changed in the website also use the feedback form and we will get to as soon as possible.
We hope to see this community blossom, to see it as big as it once was. Enjoy.
- Dyna